Kadena Middle School is part of Kadena AB Schools in the DoDEA Pacific South District. Kadena MS serves military connected students in grades 6-8. Read More

Cognia's badge for its 2022 System of Distinction award program.

The System of Distinction award recognizes schools and systems that truly stand out in their service to learners. Many members of the Cognia Global Network seek accreditation from Cognia, which is earned as the result of extensive internal preparation and a review by a team of outside educators.

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Cognia System of Distinction

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School Hours

Tuesdays are Early Release days

Regular Hours

Tuesday Hours
Office Hours

0700 - 1500

Office Hours
School Hours 0725 - 1355 0725 - 1255 School Hours
Homeroom 0725 - 0730 0725 - 0730 Homeroom
Block 1 0735 - 0855 0735 - 0800 A1
Block 2 0900 - 1020 0805 - 0830 A2
Block 3 1025 - 1225 0835 - 0900 A3
    0905 - 930 A4
    0935 - 1120 B4
School Lunch

A: 1025 - 1055

B: 1107 - 1137

C: 1155 - 1225

A: 0935-1005

B: 1010 - 1040

C: 1050 - 1120

School Lunch
Block 4 1230 - 1350 1125 - 1150 B1
    1155 - 1220 B2
    1225 - 1250 B3
Homeroom 1350 - 1355 1250 - 1255 Homeroom

Arrival Dismissal Procedures

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