Chain of Command

Ms. Mary Mullins, DoDEA employees official photo.

Ms. Mary Mullins

Unit 5166
Kadena AB
APO, AP 96368-5166
United States

mr, michale, gust, assistant, principal, kadena, ms

Mr. Nicholas Gust

Unit 5166
Kadena AB
APO, AP 96368-5166
United States


School Contacts

Name Position Phone
KDMS Attendance Attendance 098-961-0217, DSN: 315-634-0217
Dustin Fisk School Counselor STP Coordinator 634-0217
Hazel Goya School Counselor STP Coordinator 634-0217
Information Specialist Information Specialist 634-0217
Chris Lamb School Liaison (AF) 634-2231
Cafeteria Manager School Meals Program 080-1734-1890
Registrar Registrar 634-0217
School Counselor School Counselor 634-0217
School Meals Program Coordinator School Meals Program 080-1734-1890
School Nurse/Health Aide School Nurse/Health Aide 098-961-0512
School Psychologist School Psychologist 634-0217
School Webmaster School Webmaster 634-0217
Student Transportation Transportation 098-970-7820 / 2036

School Hours

Tuesdays are Early Release days

Regular Hours

Tuesday Hours
Office Hours

0700 - 1500

Office Hours
School Hours 0725 - 1355 0725 - 1255 School Hours
Homeroom 0725 - 0730 0725 - 0730 Homeroom
Block 1 0735 - 0855 0735 - 0800 A1
Block 2 0900 - 1020 0805 - 0830 A2
Block 3 1025 - 1225 0835 - 0900 A3
    0905 - 930 A4
    0935 - 1120 B4
School Lunch

A: 1025 - 1055

B: 1107 - 1137

C: 1155 - 1225

A: 0935-1005

B: 1010 - 1040

C: 1050 - 1120

School Lunch
Block 4 1230 - 1350 1125 - 1150 B1
    1155 - 1220 B2
    1225 - 1250 B3
Homeroom 1350 - 1355 1250 - 1255 Homeroom
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