Gaming Club

Gaming Club is an awesome after-school activity where you can have a blast playing all sorts of games! We use cool stuff like the Nintendo Switch, other personal gaming systems, laptops, gameboards, and Uno Cards.  You can play fun video games like Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros with your friends. You can also bring your personal gaming devices and show off your favorite games. NOTE: No KDMS internet connectivity for personal gaming systems.  Laptops may be used to paly computer games, or even some educational games.  There are also gameboards available and even UNO cards if you want some fun challenge with friends.  Gaming Club is a great way to hang out with friends, try new games and have fun.

Information Center

Meets on: Thursday

Meeting Time: 2:00 to 3:00 P.M.

Point of Contact

Name: Alexander Sugay

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